The reviews are in.
M. Thomas
“I am a father of two, soon to be three and frequently on the road with my work. My wife was very concerned about a spot on my back that I couldn’t see. It was 6 weeks before I could get in to my dermatologist. We used the CheckMySpot service and within a day or two we received the great news that this spot appeared ok. We just can’t take chances with our health. We were so relieved and pleased. This is such a great service for families like ours!”
Both patients and providers trust CheckMySpot to provide the fast, effective triage of concerning skin spots.
Mickey M.
“In using “CheckMySpot,” the quick turn around and help from the dermatology provider was great. With our busy schedules, being able to take a picture and send it right over is so convenient. It is also very comforting to know that the professional staff takes great care in analyzing your “spot” and giving you guidance on what to do next. We will be using this again in the future!”
Kim B.
“I am thrilled to learn that CheckMySpot will launch in early 2023. I am confident it will improve access to important dermatological screening services that are high quality and convenient. Quite a few years ago I noticed a very small spot on my left forearm. The spot was smaller than a pinhead and to my untrained eye looked no different than a freckle. I reached out to CheckMySpot and their provider asked me to use my smartphone to send a photo of the spot. Thank goodness I did! After reviewing the photo, the CheckMySpot team urged me to make an appointment with my local dermatologist. The spot turned out to be a small melanoma caught early and removed, thanks to CheckMySpot’s assessment of the photo I sent.”
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Wendy T.
“I cannot recommend this service strongly enough! On two separate occasions, my family members had skin lesions that warranted attention. I quickly submitted photos and received prompt responses. One lesion ended up being benign, which relieved our worries. The other lesion, a basal cell carcinoma, required treatment. CheckMySpot quickly referred me to my dermatologist where I received the care I needed and the outcome was successful! I was very happy with this service and will use again.”
Dr. Stephen K.
“The CheckMySpot app is a helpful innovation in healthcare because it improves accessibility to dermatologists. The benefit is twofold: with a decrease in the number of patient visits for lesions that don’t require treatment, more appointments are available for people with serious skin lesions. Secondly, for patients with skin cancer, a recommendation for prompt evaluation aids in early detection. Following the easy instructions, I have submitted a photo of a mole that, thankfully, was classified as benign. The process was convenient and my family’s anxiety was quickly eased. I did not have to be unproductive or risk being exposed to infection while waiting in the doctor’s office. I plan to watch carefully for any new skin lesions on my family members and me in the future. I will not hesitate to use CheckMySpot again.”
Susan T.
“My experience with CheckMySpot has been great!!! As a full-time working wife and mother, I am constantly on-the-go and find it hard to schedule doctor’s appointments. It is so convenient to have the option of sending a picture of a concerning mole or lesion and receive a quick response as to whether I need an in person examination, or if my spot is nothing to worry about! Thank you for such a wonderful service - I plan on using it in the future for myself and my family.”
R. Smith
“Although my mom received adequate care at her senior living facility, getting her to an off-site physician’s appointment took a lot of preparation and expense. When I noticed a new skin spot on her forehead, I was concerned about a cancer. Her caregiver told me about CheckMySpot. I used the service and heard within a day that the spot was worrisome for skin cancer. This made my decision to take time off work and arrange transportation to her dermatologist easier knowing an appointment was truly necessary. Just a minor procedure was required to fix the problem. I love this service. Highest recommendations!”
Vanessa M.